
Nogent le Rotrou Castle (France)

Eure-et-Loir     See list of castles in Francia

Originally built around 1020 on the site of an earlier castle, during the next centuries the Chateau Saint-Jean has been further strengthened and made more comfortable home, and much of what we see today dates from this period.

The main structure includes a substantial square tower (the oldest part of the castle), a ring of fortified walls and towers added in the course of the 12th and 13th centuries, and an entrance with two round towers and large room that were substantially altered in 15th century.

The part of the castle, which is not protected by the natural slope also had a substantial moat (now empty) to strengthen its defenses. The castle is impressive for its location and for its structure - is on a mezzanine floor overlooking the Perche valley in all directions.

Inside the castle of Nogent-le-Rotrou you can also see a museum dedicated to the history of the city and of the Perche region.

Images of the castle


Useful infos

Latitude: 48.314323
Longitude: 0.820266
See the map
See the images

Map of Nogent le Rotrou Castle