
Fagaras Citadel (Romania)

Transylvania     See list of castles in Romania

Fourteen century castle/ fortress, used by Romanian, Austrian and Hungarian princes as defense stronghold against the Ottomans.

In the 16th century, Romanian prince Michael the Brave united the 3 Romanian principalities of Vallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania into a unitary Romanian state. Fagaras citadel became his home. However, in 1601 Michael was assassinated at the order of Austrian prince, who wanted to maintain control over Transylvania. His wife Lady Stanca was kept a prisoner in the castle, where she died 2 years later.

A bust was built in the memory of Lady Stanca near Fagaras castle, with the following words written below:

“Aici a suferit toate umilinţele şi ameninţările, pentru că a cerut dreptate neamului său, chinuita şi apoi veşnic nemângâiata soţie a lui Mihai Viteazul”

“Here is where the tortured and eternally inconsolable wife of Michael the Brave suffered all the humiliations and threats for demanding justice for her people”

After Transylvania fell under Austrian rule, the castle became a military fortification and prison.

Images of the castle


Castles in Romania

Fagaras Citadel


Poenari Castle


Hunyad Castle


Peleș Castle


Useful infos

Latitude: 45.8452535
Longitude: 24.9737964
See the map
See the images

Map of Fagaras Citadel